C4R1N4 SITE 2.0

Welcome to the newest and FRESHEST version of the C4R1N4 site, now with a fully decked out background! And also the home of the most popular YouTuber ever! (if you exclude all the other 63.8 million YouTubers)

Compared to the old version, where the links were just randomly placed into the site, now I have the budget to put it ON TOP! and WITH dropdown menus! WOAW, INSANE..

Do you enjoy my site? If so, thanks! You might also enjoy my videos, so here's a video ad, consider subscribing if you DO enjoy it!

Little history of my Steam Accounts, UNLIKE WHAT IT SAYS ON MY ACTIVE STEAM ACCOUNT, I AIN'T NEW TO THIS SHIT.. i've also had another acc from 2019 which I used till 2023, at which point it got stolen :-( On the bright side - I got a cool OLD ass account and this one where I have shit I like :D

Cursor effect from: https://tholman.com/cursor-effects/

ASCII signature

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site map


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Policeman holding hand, forbidding entrance